What was once seen as an environmentally friendly solution to the endless use of plastic bags has now become a problem. Cotton tote bags are ubiquitous; items that we have accumulated in great numbers. These are often given away as freebies with purchases or goodie bags given away at events.
Cotton tote bags require at least 20,000 times of use to offset its overall impact of production. The heart of the issue is not about what we use, but how we use them. To avoid the overconsumption of anything would be the solution of being eco-conscious, whether it's the usage of plastic or other materials.
The true solution: audit your lifestyle and find out what kind of items you need to create a sustainable solution. After all, one wouldn’t want to carry 20 medium-sized tote bags to store groceries for a family of 4!

For the light on-the-go shopper: Carry a foldable tote bag in your bag.
It takes up little space in your purse and doesn’t get in the way of your daily items. One of the pain points raised would be how bothersome it seems to carry a tote bag, but with such design and quality of fabric, it is stress-free to fold and make eco-bags a must-have item.

For heavy-duty grocery shopping: Invest in large, structured bags made with thick fibres
What has truly stood the test of time for us is the use of thick jute bags for our weekly grocery runs. Strong enough to withstand the heavy load of cabbages, 6-pack beverages and wine bottles, we find that we reach out for such large tote bags over medium sized cotton tote bags that can’t fit very much. As they are made of sturdy material such as jute, you do not have to worry about breakage! One of our team members has been using jute bags for over 10 years, they are still in great condition till date! To keep it clean, simply wash it with some cold water and a dash of mild detergent. It would be as good as new!
What are some of your favourite ways to reuse bags over and over again? We would love to hear from you and exchange ideas! Comment on our Instagram post so that we can exchange interesting eco-bag designs that would stand the test of time.